Publisher for indie authors

We help storytellers tell their stories.

Win's Books is both a traditional and hybrid publisher.

Our type of publishing company combines aspects of traditional publishing and self-publishing. Authors can choose how much financially they want to contribute towards the cost of publishing their book, royalty prices, and book distribution and access. All while we provide a range of services, such as editing, design, distribution, and marketing.

We have a vetting process for the books we accept and offer higher support and expertise from budding leaders in the industry. Win’s Books can be a good option for authors who want more control over the publishing process and are willing to invest in the success of their book. But we also provide the option to go the traditional route, where you pay nothing upfront but earn 40-60% of royalties when published. 

As a hybrid publisher, we do:

  • Professional editorial services

  • Production services
    (including art and design)

  • Marketing services

  • Sales services

  • And more!

Learn about our services

  • We specialize in creating unique and tailored book covers that accurately reflect your book's theme, plot, and imagery. Our team will create a fully customized cover with intricate details, textures, backgrounds, and blending tailored to your specifications. Rest assured that our covers are 100% custom-made to meet your needs!

  • We do comprehensive editing services for all types of books, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, humor, and many more. Whether it's a proofread, copy, or developmental edit, we have covered you.

  • We manually convert your file(s) into a professional eBook that is compatible with all eReading devices and sell it through all of our retail partners. You retain 100% of your rights!

  • We create a customized book marketing campaign for authors. We will go over a 1-year launch campaign, six months before your book is launched and six months after. Our marketing services include:

    • Online digital media marketing

    • Consumer marketing

    • Book reviews

    • Book discoverability strategy

    • And more

  • In addition to the tasks performed during a copy edit, we restructure sentences, paragraphs, and chapters where necessary.

    We provide a macro-level focus on style and consistency and review the writing quality. We check for plot holes and character inconsistencies in fictional works and provide suggestions to improve dialogue, pace, and clarity.

  • We will lay out and design a professional book interior so your book can be made available for sale in bookstores, libraries, and online retailers.


Traditional Publishing

You get up to  60% of your royalties at no cost to you.

Hybrid Publishing Package

Pay upfront and get 90-100% of your royalties!

For either package, we offer:

  • Audience development

  • Brand strategy

  • Content marketing

  • Logo and brand identity creation

  • Website building

  • Speaker press kit development

  • Social media strategy and content development

  • One-on-one coaching

Submission Guidelines

Win's Books is an indie publishing house that welcomes new and established authors to submit their manuscripts for consideration. Before submitting your manuscript, there are a few guidelines that you should keep in mind to increase your chances of acceptance!

Ensure that your manuscript is complete and polished.

This means that it should be free of (most) grammatical and spelling errors, have a clear and compelling plot, and have well-developed characters. It is also essential to ensure that your manuscript fits within our publishing genres, including fiction, memoirs, and poetry.

Please note that we only accept electronic submissions sent through our form and none via email.

We receive a large number of submissions quarterly, and it may take some time for us to review your manuscript. We will contact you if we are interested in publishing your work.

Manuscripts should be sent only via this form

  • Your manuscript should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format and double-spaced.

  • Please include a title page with your name, contact information, and your manuscript's word count.

  • We accept manuscripts from both published and unpublished authors.

  • Currently, we do not accept previously published, self-published works.

  • Please allow up to 4-5 weeks for our editorial team to respond.

At Win's Books, we pride ourselves on publishing high-quality books that inspire, educate, and entertain our readers. We look forward to reviewing your manuscript and wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors. Thank you for considering Win's Books Publishing for your manuscript. We look forward to reading your work!

Our Retailers:


Apple Books




Smashwords Store




Kobo (including Kobo Plus)


Barnes & Noble

Baker & Taylor


And more!

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